Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di MTOMB di Earl Sweatshirt contenuta nell'album FEET OF CLAY. “MTOMB” è una canzone di Earl Sweatshirt. MTOMB Lyrics.

TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - MTOMB


TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - MTOMB

So, so we, so we did it?

Yeah, yeah

Pray for the people

I make up the easel first, then paint what I see through

The maze, I'm an eagle, spend a day up at the creek

We got the same amount of heat too, but they not as regal

Crudités not gon' cut it, cut it slight

Braids brought out my eyes

I saw a light, I was nine

Told my nigga Miles we might gon' be aight

Guess I was right, twenty-five was a quarter to life

I'm on it, I strike, trials

Tricknolog' you fond of, I don't even like

The socialite reformed, alone every night

Post-performance, dizzy in the corner, boy, it wasn't nice

Learnin' how to get grimy

Pick a pole to grab and flip

Ho, we gon' shake something now

I got some time this year

I'ma go ten rounds and dip out, what time is it?

Mami Wata, shawty blew the fish out

Piscean just like my father, still got bones to pick out

For now let's salt the rims and pour a drink out

And sip (Mmh)

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