Earl Sweatshirt

Earl Sweatshirt Unreleased – (Chamber)

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TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Earl Sweatshirt Unreleased – (Chamber)


TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Earl Sweatshirt Unreleased – (Chamber)

The Wrong Tundras

The boy been gone a few summers

Too long for road running

Trunk full of old hundreds

Of course my old level was foggy

Grope rubbin

Don't, tell me they don't hunt us for sport I chose substances

No cuddles the bases is all covered

Niggas come in the door and smoke something

Choke up on a slugger for home run ins

Nigga its all chest thumpers


We press up on it boy no more bluffin

Cold summers, don't tussle with strangers

Some of those keep one in the chamber

Three spliffs had my weak tips clipped

I was stuck in a hanger nigga

Muffle my pen and muzzle my brain up

Really i'm just making sure my promises kept

Chuck a deuce if you know its the end

Kept the truth and my palm in my chest

See a dude keep a noose hanging off of my neck

We got the juice niggas corny as shit

We on the loose niggas know what it is

We making moves, you niggas corny as shit

We got the juice niggas know what it is (yeah)

Days like these we know there is no hope, or at... Days like these we know there is no hope, or at least none that we can trust, all the old ways are dead or dying, and this is as it should be

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