Earl Sweatshirt


Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Burgundy di Earl Sweatshirt contenuta nell'album Doris. “Burgundy” è una canzone di Earl Sweatshirt. Burgundy Lyrics.

TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Burgundy


TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Burgundy

"What's up, nigga? Why you so depressed and sad all the time like a little bitch? What's the problem, man? Niggas want to hear you rap. Don't nobody care about how you feel, we want- we want raps, nigga."


My grandma's passing

But I'm too busy tryna get this fuckin' album crackin' to see her

So I apologize in advance if anything should happen (Cut that bitch off!)

And my priorities fucked up, I know it, I'm afraid I'm gonna blow it

And when them expectations raising because daddy was a poet, right?

Talk all you want, I'm takin' no advice, nigga

I'm 'bout to relish in this anguish, and I'm stressin' over payment (Cut that bitch off!)

So don't tell me that I made it, only relatively famous

In the midst of a tornado, misfitted, I'm Clark Gable

I'm not stable, (I'm not stable) abrasive as fuck and they all (Cut that bitch off!)

Pay me, I'm chuckling cross-faded in public

Heart racin' 'til blunt is lit, (Like he don't give a fuck again, right?)

"Hey Thebe, nigga, what's up nigga? I heard you back, I need them raps, nigga. I need the verse, I don't care about what you going through or what you gotta do nigga, I need bars, sixteen of 'em."

I don't fuck with too much of y'all's shit

Judgin' by the pants and the mall grip

Gully, in the vans with the dark tints

I'm a start-shit type nigga (Cut that bitch off!)

Night life livin'

Ridin' in the Jeep, I'mma side-swipe niggas

What's your life like? That's alright nigga

Hammer in the left ready when the price isn't

Right got the whip and I ain't got the license for it

And Jill got me living like my life is golden

Sitting on the sofa feeling high and dormant

If we could smoke another while the mic records it (Cut that bitch off!)

The nicest doin' it, who the fuck you staring at?

Acting like you've never seen a tooth that's carat-capped

Bars hotter than the blocks where we be at

Stuntin' these niggas gon' flop like Divac

See that nigga? And for the time being

I'mma be that nigga, believe that nigga

You see that nigga? And for the time being

I'mma be that nigga, believe that, nigga (Cut that bitch off!)

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