Blue Sky - The Allman Brothers Band - Testo | Testi e Traduzioni

Leggi il Testo, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Blue Sky di The Allman Brothers Band contenuta nell'album Fox Box: 3 Nights Live at Fox Theatre in Atlanta, Ga (September 25, 2004). “Blue Sky” è una canzone di The Allman Brothers Band. Blue Sky Lyrics.

TESTO - The Allman Brothers Band - Blue Sky


TESTO - The Allman Brothers Band - Blue Sky

Walk along the river, sweet lullaby

They just keep on flowin', they don't worry 'bout where it's goin', no, no

Don't fly, mister blue bird, I'm just walkin' down the road

Early morning sunshine, tell me all I need to know

You're my blue sky, you're my sunny day

Lord, you know it makes me high

When you turn your love my way

Turn your love my way, yeah

Good old Sunday mornin', bells are ringin' everywhere

Goin' to Carolina, it won't be long and I'll be there

You're my blue sky, you're my sunny day

Lord, you know it makes me high

When you turn your love my way

Turn your love my way, yeah, yeah


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