Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Azucar di Earl Sweatshirt contenuta nell'album Some Rap Songs. “Azucar” è una canzone di Earl Sweatshirt. Azucar Lyrics.

TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Azucar


TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Azucar

Pedal to the metal

Lost footin', it was sugar in my gas tank

My cushion was a bosom on bad days

It's not a black woman I can't thank

You called crying when I told you these the last days

It's all mine, could've split the last plate

Niggas didn't have faith, so I stopped tryin'

Apologize, and we outta time

Please get ya alibi straight, you ain't gotta lie

Shook tradition, did it my way

No sense in looking in the sky

Trace elements meddle with minds

Mind-state live, fissures and fires

Niggas with live ammunitions in the stick on the highway

I only get better with time

That's what my mom say

To dodge Satan, say to kill him this time, oy vey

Well here I go, foot on the line

What's mine, what good is it if it's not, you shook a bit

Sookie, sookie niggas wasn't shit

Face looking like I stumbled out of a pit, hundred dollar chip

I piss problems out, the bottle empty

Mama said she used to see my father in me

Said I was not offended

Press, King, Navy, Med, MIKE on the bench

Living life like a nigga put a price on my head

Bless, this how we on it

If you need it and I want it, better come prepared

Going through it like prayers in the night sky

You look like a chair when you folding up

Hands on like a goalie with the puck, don't need any luck

See the ghost of where I was, lonesome as I was

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