Earl Sweatshirt

27 Braids

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di 27 Braids di Earl Sweatshirt contenuta nell'album VOIR DIRE. “27 Braids” è una canzone di Earl Sweatshirt. 27 Braids Lyrics.

TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - 27 Braids


TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - 27 Braids

Clean break, tougher to make
Ain't a thing to the King, they ain't ruffle the mane

Hold your head, cover your face, so disease doesn't spread

She said I got a son on the way
Made my bed so that's where I'ma lay

My worried bones, my heavy head I carry home every day
My momma sayin' that I'll never be alone
Even though she gotta know that I know she dismayed
With the choices I made
The only way forward is unafraid and focused when I'm holdin' these rings

Yell "thanks" over my shoulder to my auntie Elaine
Twenty-seven braids fallin' over my face

My head on straight, my momma closin' the gate
And both of them sleep better when they know that I ate

I'm goin' through changes that I couldn't fathom
But growin' pains lead to understanding
I'm no passenger on a plane, precious cargo in a cabin

My whole take on baggage just ain't the same
Don't fall for the fake magic
They came with the David Blaine patterns so we jab and weave

I'm tryna farm up some lavish green with the fam
Lavash bread
, sharin' everything with the team
Spreading seeds, spilling drinks for the dead

, into the league but I'm still ahead
I found a swing sittin' in the sands

My ancestors turned
To open a door that separates us from our... Creator
But you need no doors to find God. If you believe–
Believe? If you believe you are...

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