Tonight - Millyz - Testo | Testi e Traduzioni



Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Tonight di Millyz contenuta nell'album Blanco 6. “Tonight” è una canzone di Millyz. Tonight Lyrics.

TESTO - Millyz - Tonight


TESTO - Millyz - Tonight

But even if I didn’t, it'd all be straight
I put this pistol on my waist
It reminds me I could die tonight
Die tonight

Ain't ready to go, why would I leave
Slide with the mob, that’s how I bleed
Swervin' the ghost, pickin' up speed
Poppin' this yeah to put me at ease
Thinkin' bout the bros and I start to grieve
I think about Roc, I think about Smeez
The blick got a dot and I’ma squeeze
I’m slidin' for Dot, I’m slidin' for Kreez
Forty on me like I’m agin', I know they’re talkin' to agents
Pray they don’t hit us with RICO, I know I’m the one that they’re namin'
Roll down the window and flame 'em
Fuck it it’s still live
Rollin' their dead just to feel live
Bitch, I know they’re tellin', I still slide

Pourin' this wocky in my cup now, 'til I don’t feel no pain
Even when my life’s the brightest, I still feel the rain
But even if I didn’t, it'd all be straight
I put this pistol on my waist
It reminds me I could die tonight
Die tonight

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