Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Sentry di Earl Sweatshirt e The Alchemist MIKE contenuta nell'album Sentry. “Sentry” è una canzone di Earl Sweatshirt. Sentry Lyrics.

TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Sentry


TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Sentry

Uh, peace when I'm rollin' around
Tried to keep me close, but look how
When I needed you the most you was out
The least I can do is account
Pizzeria dough, big amount

Fire in the hole
, burnin' out his soul like they seen a ghost in the shell

Froze up, it's colder than hell
I cleaned up most of myself
I peeled off more dollar bills
For 'em when they peeled off on the bill

Started at the bottom of the hill
Actually, I started in the mid

Actually, I started in Illinois, Khoikhoi, and Tswana in the kid
Bloodstains on my fatherland

Bloodstains on my motherland

Tough clay, all of it's red

Stuck in the jeans and the fabric, and the twenty-three little strands

Freddie Hubbard sing through the ax

Chop another piece off the branch

Memories careen out the past
Halt me to a screech in they tracks
Had a couple things on my chest
That's where the demons would sit
I took a seat at the head
It's time to eat

I need to breach, heavy-set

Can you dig what I'm sayin'?
Notice that you easily led
So I take a seat at the head

It's time to eat

You remember I'm feelin' like Aubrey
There ain't bread, nigga, how it involve me?

I was there when them smiles were salt
Don't be actin' surprised when you call me
But imagine I gave you my all
All my flaws didn't rise from adultery
I got tired of stayin' to talk
Put you higher than you say that you are
How you lie to me? Breakin' my heart
How you ridin'? You ain't stay in the car

I get hired and pay for my art
So when I'm buyin', I'm breakin' the cart
Oh, as always break it apart

I don't lie if you playin' your part

On that isle in the flame in the dark
It be silence that make the remarks

Keep it solid, don't change when it start
It be probably you wings on the guard

For a slide be waitin' to start
For Pops, I'm takin' the charge
Ain't no option, we makin' it ours
I know Ma used to pray I ain't harden
Only son gettin' saved 'cause they smart

Then how did we come here?
And tell me, too, by what ill fortune did a prince turn into the reclusive hermit you are now, here, on this desert isle?
Was it because you found the world distasteful
Or through the perfidy of some enemy?
Is our island a prison or a hermitage?
You've hinted at some mystery so many times and aroused my curiosity
And today you shall tell me it all

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