Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Heat Check di Earl Sweatshirt contenuta nell'album VOIR DIRE (Streaming Version). “Heat Check” è una canzone di Earl Sweatshirt. Heat Check Lyrics.

TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Heat Check


TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Heat Check

Couldn't cope with the dope fiend shit, ho, that's a whole needle
So I can't promise that I won't leave you

I put my all in and I broke even

Prophet tried and told people, chuckle at the known evils

I stepped over when they roll, tell the bros I'm layin' low tree
Petals of roses and broke treaties
Littered the road I was on swingin'
I couldn't hold shit with cold fingers
In other words, niggas don't feel you, really

Stay out my square like Sicilian slice
Powers spread like Jiffy

It make perfect sense, you try to get out a bite, I snicker

I caught a whiff of sidewinder slitherin' in the vines
And listen, his hissin' like spinnin' vinyl

This cylindrical system of life, vicious cycles

Mice give up when it's dinnertime
The 6ix9ine style snitching spiteful
Mine the biggest, but I'm staying tight-lipped
In addition, I ain't switching sides

On some my niggas simplify shit
, do not tread on me

The live and die with a smile

Getting fly watching water rising
Blood on the horizon

Blood spilling out the idol
They try and judge like Simon
I'm leaving on a note most highest

Drop the mic like Ryan

Told dawg it's on the floor like Kaiapit
I'm flying, heat check
Might hit an island if she need to get her feet— get her, uh

Uh, heat check
Might head to Mav town, I need a likkle reset
Heat check
Putting numbers on the board, fuckin' up the defense
Heat check
Heard she hookin' out west like Kareem did

Heat check

There's a little spot they had where they were throwing the ivory
Three, to be exact, amongst various other, you know, equations
They're gonna let you know that as well
Um, I think it's— it's time for a demonstration

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