Earl Sweatshirt

Sirius Blac

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Sirius Blac di Earl Sweatshirt contenuta nell'album VOIR DIRE. “Sirius Blac” è una canzone di Earl Sweatshirt. Sirius Blac Lyrics.

TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Sirius Blac


TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Sirius Blac

Roc Marciano told you it don't last, get you a snap (Shot)

Photocopies of my shit hittin' the net, niggas is ass (Out)

I nicked my hand on a backboard glass, shattered it like Shaq

Shakey as Shaq down, don't get smacked out here tryna act wild
Runnin' with wolves like Karl Towns

Used to be on bullshit, bugged out

And the drink was dullin the sharp feelings

Six feet underneath the sun chillin', crispy
When everything turn tricky, miss me
I'm not gon' be your burn victim
I roll weed slow and I learn quickly
It's cyclical that's for certain
The sickness this type of motion bring
Windows open, I know this breeze

Lucifer son of the morning

I'll let you talk yourself to sleep
These niggas scared of morals
I just went pro for the Justice League
I love this team, I'm focused
Fuck police and the '
Rona, only weed and yoni
Shorty save me the peace I wantin'

Loose change rattlin' in my pocket
Threw it back to the block where I found it, uh

Two faces, deceit in the swamp
Talk out the side of your mouth like Harv' Dent
It's only gon' get niggas parked, bitch

It's only big fish in the pond
Jump in, no risk, no reward
No joke, serious as stars

This the one I remember when I'm lost
In my thoughts thinkin' too hard
Been gone a few winters too long, but
I couldn't miss this one, uh, yup
It's only big fish in the pond
Jump in, no risk, no reward
No joke, serious as stars
This the one I remember when I'm lost
In my thoughts thinkin' too hard
Been gone a few winters too long

Couldn't miss this one, uh

Yo, your story you changed, like, mad times
How many fuckin' cowrites
I said between three and seven baby, come on
Yo man, I told you this was my mans right here. I saw it
I brought him here
You a young kid, you in the schools right now so you know about the new drugs
Naw, l listen, listen, you don't even know E. Coli, yo

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