Earl Sweatshirt

Mac Deuce

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Mac Deuce di Earl Sweatshirt contenuta nell'album VOIR DIRE. “Mac Deuce” è una canzone di Earl Sweatshirt. Mac Deuce Lyrics.

TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Mac Deuce


TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Mac Deuce

It's almost time man

Led the charge and they couldn't take it
Kinda flagrant
, knife on me
I'm on Collins and I'm palmin' paper
740 big body driven by my lady

Swingin' like down goes Fraizer

I found patience and still couldn't sit around waitin'
I'm sayin' it got kinda dangerous, abrasive
All kinda angels
Almighty arm-length, I'ma spank 'em
Pause the tape
The angles I'm takin' straight through
Gotta make it home, a baby that I gotta raise

Shakin' off malaise and hay too
Maybe y'all'll change, maybe not
Either way, too
Maison Margi' replicas
, steppers is gon' invade you when you hot
I stay cool, not up for appraisal on the block

That's what walkin' the plank do
Don't be shocked I couldn't save you from your thoughts or what the fame do
From the sharks and what they fangs do
Or from your heart and what that pain do

From the start, built a box I couldn't break through
You was lost
I picked apart, what amazed you, it was soft

I shut it off, we really on
This the difference, fourth and inches and we going long
Shimmy when I score the ball

Hail Mary, bales everywhere in the loft

Name ringin' bells everywhere a nigga walk
I'm not tryna talk
Hailin' up the maître d' for the final course

Fillin' all the vacancies like the brightest star
Good God

The stars are showing
Are you telling that we're stars?
Oh, yeah Dad, my homeboys are superstars now
You know they got the hottest record on the streets?
Sold out in three hours

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