Earl Sweatshirt

All the Small Things

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di All the Small Things di Earl Sweatshirt contenuta nell'album VOIR DIRE. “All the Small Things” è una canzone di Earl Sweatshirt. All the Small Things Lyrics.

TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - All the Small Things


TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - All the Small Things

My legs treadin' in this quicksand, beatin' eggs
I see the peak and dip the grease up the pan

Feed the fam at sixteen, I wasn't no seasoned chef

It's predictable and funny we meet again
Whole 'nother thing comin' in these comin' years
We was snorin' 20s, roarin', wakin' up the dead

I speak to 'em, my grandma Juanita said it best
Roll with the punches, keep 'em comin', I'm prepared
I'ma parry somethin',
variables made me bend

But I never fumble, carryin' it like a man
Even when I buckled under egregious demands

Future said the shit get colossal and I feel the man

This shit enormous, I know a pirate to set it further forward
Fly a flag high over your head

Keep a Eye of Horus when I rest open

My section focused, focal for the destitute and hopeful

Sped up on the tightrope, I seen they let it choke 'em

Cherish every moment, let it go
The cherry on top the weight offa my heavy soul
Never been lost, I remember "Nowhere2go"

New shit consumed quick, it's perishable
Embed it with gold and it's gon' never get old

Turn the lights off, carry me home

Keep ya head still, the battle uphill
Stillwater's got depth, don't hold your breath
Or hold your breath

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