Earl Sweatshirt

Vin Skully

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Vin Skully di Earl Sweatshirt contenuta nell'album VOIR DIRE. “Vin Skully” è una canzone di Earl Sweatshirt. Vin Skully Lyrics.

TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Vin Skully


TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Vin Skully

For every problem life seems, a faithful friend to share
For every sigh a sweet song
And an answer for each prayer
You and I have been friends for a long time...

Big grip, get flipped
Hand over fist, that's quick

Snake oil salesman with the pitch, that's slick
Ain't no tellin' when it end
No matter the spin, I know when I got a hit

That's it, that shit get sent over the fence
I'm home, another run on the road, look how I slid

I remember the cold and shruggin' 'til I was sore inside the crib

I don't know what it is
I remember the ghost inside the crib

Hosin' down the problem with gin and tonic
How to stay afloat in a bottomless pit
The trick is to stop fallin'
Only option to start with a step, bet

Son of father and death
Big mama with the vision of sorrow, now I know why they wept
I watched it brew into a quarrel, I know just what to bet
Now we halvin' like Dewey Cox out in the shed

I had to unify all the plurals in pairs
I promise you don't truly want no parts of this shit

A couple side splitters got me outta some jams
I had to style a little so the killers could laugh

Big grip, get flipped
Hand over fist, that's quick
Snake oil salesman with the pitch
Ain't no tellin' when it end
No matter the spend, I know when I got a hit
That's it, that shit get sent over the fence
I'm home, another run on the road, look how I slid
I remember the cold and shruggin' 'til I was sore inside the crib
Now I know what it is

I remember
You know everybody has their different, uh, ways and what they use 'em for
But we'll let them explain that to you

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