Earl Sweatshirt

100 High Street

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di 100 High Street di Earl Sweatshirt contenuta nell'album VOIR DIRE. “100 High Street” è una canzone di Earl Sweatshirt. 100 High Street Lyrics.

TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - 100 High Street


TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - 100 High Street

Focus steady and unbroken
I was resting on the low-end
My prerequisite to goin' in
I chief recklessly with no end

I went heavy on the dosage

Try and cop a hemi like my bro did
I reap everything I sowed in

It seem effortless with no stitch
It's we steppas bitch, ya notice
Cream preps in the cold wind
Seen Skeppy
out in Shoreditch
He said the telly for the hoes
Keep them heffers off ya doorstep
Geese feathers under foreheads
Tempur-Pedic with the reaper
, got to know Death
It wasn't easy, but we grown men
I really mean it like the song said
I gotta beat 'em like The Lox

Got my demons on the wall press
Forearms and feet on necks

I'm seeing green like I bought triss

They in the red like forceps
We beat 'em like a cheesy joke
Even when the freakin' horse dead
Quiet on set

The especially important part played by the mhondoro or the royal ancestors as protectors of the land and bringers of the rains is also recognized in popular song
*knock, knock, knock*
Silence in the court!

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