
The One (Chop Life)

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di The One (Chop Life) di Crayon contenuta nell'album The One (Chop Life). “The One (Chop Life)” è una canzone di Crayon. The One (Chop Life) Lyrics.

TESTO - Crayon - The One (Chop Life)


TESTO - Crayon - The One (Chop Life)

Oh ah ye
I’m oga

I’m the one who shutdown the bar
Let’s make it rain
More champagne
Chop the life and forget the pain

Early mọmọ

Early mọmọ
Me I don dey wait for my shọkọ
All of all the things wey she follow me dey talk
But she know say my mind dey for turn up (Turn up)
Turn up (Turn up), Turn up (Turn up)
If you no get money, shey you wan turn up?
All of all the things wey she tell me lana
But she know say my internal corrupt
Banle, make you dobale
Pull up in your hood make you dobale
Awa gangan ni ọmọ onilẹ
I dey play football like Abedi Pele
Waa, shori ẹ gbale? (Cheei)
Whenever you see me make you dobale
Awa gangan ni ọmọ onilẹ
Wetin you dey find, make you commot here

Oh ah ye
I’m oga
I’m the one who shutdown the bar
Let’s make it rain
More champagne
Chop the life and forget the pain
Oh ah ye
I’m oga
I’m the one who shutdown the bar
Let’s make it rain
More champagne
Chop the life and forget the pain

Oh ah ye
I’m oga
I’m the one who shutdown the bar
Let’s make it rain
More champagne
Chop the life and forget the pain
Oh ah ye
I’m oga
I’m the one who shutdown the bar
Let’s make it rain
More champagne
Chop the life and forget the pain


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