Earl Sweatshirt

Fire in the Hole

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Fire in the Hole di Earl Sweatshirt contenuta nell'album SICK!. “Fire in the Hole” è una canzone di Earl Sweatshirt. Fire in the Hole Lyrics.

TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Fire in the Hole


TESTO - Earl Sweatshirt - Fire in the Hole

Yeah, yeah, yeah (Blood seepin')
Blood, blood, blood, blood

Seeping into the mulch, I needed a quick result

I read it and don't respond

She see it and salt sprinkle

I needed another go
I'm seeing her when I want

Fire leaping out the hole
Deep breathing only make it grow

Ain't wanna leave the clutch (Clutch)
Far be it for me to plead with y'all
Hit, leanin' into the crutch

Speedin' through the lulls

Take heed, we took an oath to the sword
The shield took a couple chinks but it never broke

I know what he mean, how I play it based on what I'm shown
Consolidate the cream, then I'm headed home

She ain't shine like fourteen karat gold, rewiring

Patchin' holes
It's no rewinding, for the umpteenth time, it's only forward
Peace to AKAI SOLO, the soldier

I couldn't toast a drink to demise,
I heard the clink

Life could change in the blink of an eye, I'm wrinklin' time

I'ma leave it to y'all to get hoodwinked and surprised
Threw on some Bootsy, I rather be with you when I'm high

I went ahead and mixed some Beetle Juice with the wine

Skin contact, peeling her eyes, squeeze down

It's been a minute since I blew up your line

I leave town fast
Out the dungeon like Outkast

Funnels with the loud pack

Hunter's boots crunchin' through the brown grass

Blood seeping into the mulch, I needed a quick result
I read it and don't respond
She see it and sprinkle salt

I needed another go
I'm seeing her when I want

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