Reba McEntire

One Promise Too Late (Revisited)

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di One Promise Too Late (Revisited) di Reba McEntire contenuta nell'album Revived Remixed Revisited. “One Promise Too Late (Revisited)” è una canzone di Reba McEntire. One Promise Too Late (Revisited) Lyrics.

TESTO - Reba McEntire - One Promise Too Late (Revisited)


TESTO - Reba McEntire - One Promise Too Late (Revisited)

I would have waited forever
If I'd known that you'd be here
We could have shared our lives together
And held each other close all through the years

But I've met someone before you
And my heart just couldn't wait
So no matter how much I adore you
I've got to stand behind the promise that I made

Where were you when I could have loved you?
Where were you when I gave my heart away?
All my life
Oh, I've been dreaming of you
You came along one promise too late
You came along one promise too late

I won't say that I'm sorry that I met you
I can't have you but I never will forget you

Where were you when I could have loved you?
Where were you when I gave my heart away?
All my life
I've been dreaming of you
You came along one promise too late
You came along one promise too late
Oh, where were you when I could have loved you?
Where were you when I gave my heart away?
All my life
I've been dreaming of you
You came along one promise too late
You came along one promise too late

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