Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Low Tide of the Night di Everything but the Girl contenuta nell'album Temperamental (Deluxe Edition). “Low Tide of the Night” è una canzone di Everything but the Girl. Low Tide of the Night Lyrics.

TESTO - Everything but the Girl - Low Tide of the Night


TESTO - Everything but the Girl - Low Tide of the Night

London in the low tide of the night
And not a taxi cab in sight
Anesthetized I start the journey home
I've been living months alone
I've been avoiding things
The phone rings
I use the answerphone

Inside-out in the daytime
Outside-in in the night time
Inside-out in the daytime
Wrong at the right time

When you're down and troubled
You don't tell your friends
You don't tell your family
I won't let them talk about me
I'm gonna let nobody down

Soho in the high tide of the day
And for a while I'm swept away
I just forget it
I use my Walkman when I walk
And I don't talk
But later on the moment's gone and I don't get it

Inside-out in the daytime
Outside-in in the night time
Inside-out in the daytime
Wrong at the right time

When you're down and troubled
You don't tell your friends
You don't tell your family
I won't let them talk about me
I'm gonna let nobody down

Who shall I be tonight?
Who's gonna see tonight?
Who shall I be tonight?

Inside-out in the daytime
Wrong at the right time
I wanna know I'm good for you
Outside-in in the night time
Right at the wrong time
I wanna know I'm good to you

When you're down and troubled
You don't tell your friends
You don't tell your family
I won't let them talk about me
I'm gonna let nobody down

When you're down and troubled
You don't tell your friends
You don't tell your family
I won't let them talk about me
I'm gonna let nobody down

When you're down and troubled
You don't tell your friends
You don't tell your family
I won't let them talk about me
I'm gonna let nobody down

No, no, no, no
I won't let them talk about me
I'm gonna let nobody down down down down

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