Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Five Fathoms di Everything but the Girl contenuta nell'album Temperamental (Deluxe Edition). “Five Fathoms” è una canzone di Everything but the Girl. Five Fathoms Lyrics.

TESTO - Everything but the Girl - Five Fathoms


TESTO - Everything but the Girl - Five Fathoms

Walk the city late at night
Does everyone here do the same?

I want to be the things I see
Give every face and place my name

I cross the street, take a right
Pick up the pace, pass a fight
Did I grow up just to stay home?

I'm not immune, I love this tune

I wanna love more
I just wanna love more
I wanna love more
I just wanna love more

I wanna love more
I just wanna love more
I wanna love more
I just wanna love more

I drag the city late at night
It's in my mouth, it's in my hair

The people fill the city because the city fills the people, oh yeah

I cross the street, avoid the freeze
A city's warmer by a couple degrees

The smell of food, The smell of rain
I'm not immune, I love this tune

I wanna love more
(There's a river in my head)
I just wanna love more
(There's a river in my head)

I wanna love more
(There's a river in my head)
I just wanna love more
(There's a river in my head)

I wanna love more
(There's a river in my head)
I just wanna love more
(There's a river in my head)

I wanna love more
(There's a river in my head)
I just wanna love more
(There's a river in my head)

The only way out is down
The only way up is down

The days roll by like thunder like a storm that's never breaking

All my time and space compressed in the low pressure of the proceedings
And they beat against the sides of my life, like fists against the sides of my life
And the roads all lead behind me
So I wrap the wheel around me and I go out

There's a river in my head
There's a river in my head
There's a river in my head
I'll take you home and make it easy
There's a river in my head
There's a river in my head
I'll take you home and make it easy

There's a river in my head
Love more, love more
Love more, love more

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