Daryl Hall

Written in Stone

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Written in Stone di Daryl Hall contenuta nell'album Soul Alone. “Written in Stone” è una canzone di Daryl Hall. Written in Stone Lyrics.

TESTO - Daryl Hall - Written in Stone


TESTO - Daryl Hall - Written in Stone

When we kiss that way
I search for words that might explain
How can a love go so deep
Girl, it's in my blood
It'll always be a part of me
If we stay together
Or if we go our separate ways
I know... love will last forever

The sun may someday lose its light
The moon may not shine one night
Your heart will always have a home
It is written in stone - written in stone

Seasons go by and minds have changed
But I will never doubt why I feel this way
It goes on so strong
Like a solid rock
Even when the moment's gone
Nothing lasts forever
But one thing's sure to stay the same
Our love... the love is getting better

The sun may someday lose its light
The moon may not shine one night
I know just how the story goes
It is written in stone - written
In stone
True love is timeless and unconditional
You don't need to read the writing on the wall
I can see the future - happiness won't fade away
The sun is in the sky just like it was yesterday
Love will last forever

The sun may someday lose its light
The moon may not shine one night
Your heart will never be alone
It is written in stone - written in stone

True love is timeless
It will grow through smiles and sadness
Won't you walk with me
Our love, it will be forever
I know sometimes you might not believe it
But baby I'll do my best to show you, let you see it
Time might not be so bad
I know we'll come out ahead
Love is timeless
Timeless and unconditional
You don't need to read the writing on the wall
It's written in stone
Happiness won't fade away

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