Daryl Hall

Money Changes Everything

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Money Changes Everything di Daryl Hall contenuta nell'album Soul Alone. “Money Changes Everything” è una canzone di Daryl Hall. Money Changes Everything Lyrics.

TESTO - Daryl Hall - Money Changes Everything


TESTO - Daryl Hall - Money Changes Everything

Ever growing
The dreams that we accumulated
Never knowing
The demons that we created
Villans stole the spotlight
While love was waiting in the wings
Left us with a long night
And a hunger for material things
But when it's gone, gone baby
And we're livin' with ourselves again
Will it dawn on us darling
That the love we had is worth more than we spend

Money changes everything
I'll turn your world around so fast
Money changes everything
Money changes everything
No one questions how long
It will last
Money changes everything

Sorry baby
I was a stranger to myself sometimes
No excuses
The best intentions come tumblin' down
When it's gone, baby
Will it be the way it was before?
When it's gone, gone darlin'
Will we realize what the money was for?
Money changes everything
I'll turn your world around so fast
Money changes everything
Money changes everything
No one questions how long
It will last
Money changes everything

Does it feel like it did?
Money changes everything

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