Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Half Italian di AWOLNATION contenuta nell'album Angel Miners & The Lightning Riders. “Half Italian” è una canzone di AWOLNATION. Half Italian Lyrics.




I'm sorry, man
But I'm not feelin' grand
Not even feeling good
I'm sorry, man
But I'm not feelin' grand
Don't even think I could
I'm sorry, man
But you misunderstand
I am misunderstood
I'm sorry, man
I think I found the plans
To burn down Hollywood

You are not alone
I'm emotional, maybe too emotional
But I love you
Everybody knows
You're emotional, maybe too emotional
But I love you
You are not alone
I'm emotional, maybe too emotional
Still I love you
Leave the kids alone
You're emotional, maybe too emotional
But I love you

I'm sorry, man
I'm half Italian
I hope you can approve
I'm sorry, man
God darn it, gosh damn
Somebody knock on wood
I'm sorry, man
I think I broke my hand
Now I'm no fuckin' good
I'm sorry, man
Now I'm irrelevant
Around my neighborhood

You are not alone
I'm emotional, maybe too emotional
But I love you
Everybody knows
You're emotional, maybe too emotional
But I love you
You are not alone
I'm emotional, maybe too emotional
Still I love you
Leave the kids alone
You're emotional, maybe too emotional
But I love you

Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Yeah, right
Yeah, right
Yeah, right
Yeah, right

You are not alone
I'm emotional, maybe too emotional
But I love you
Everybody knows
You're emotional, maybe too emotional
But I love you
You are not alone
I'm emotional, maybe too emotional
Still I love you
Leave the kids alone
You're emotional, maybe too emotional
But I love you

Da-da-dada-da, dada-da
Da-da-dada-da, dada-da
Da-da-dada-da, dada-da
Da-da-dada-da, dada-da
Da-da-dada-da, dada-da
Da-da-dada-da, dada-da
Da-da-dada-da, dada-da
Da-da-dada-da, dada-da

I'm really scared, I'm really scared
I'm really scared, I'm really scared
I'm really scared, I'm really scared
I'm really scared, I'm really scared
I'm just shootin' from the hip

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