Battered, Black & Blue (Hole In My Heart)

Leggi il Testo,la Traduzione in Italiano, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Battered, Black & Blue (Hole In My Heart) di AWOLNATION contenuta nell'album Angel Miners & The Lightning Riders. “Battered, Black & Blue (Hole In My Heart)” è una canzone di AWOLNATION. Battered, Black & Blue (Hole In My Heart) Lyrics.

TESTO - AWOLNATION - Battered, Black & Blue (Hole In My Heart)


TESTO - AWOLNATION - Battered, Black & Blue (Hole In My Heart)


I've got a bone to pick with happiness
My DNA is open for review
I've got a bone to pick with suffering
My DNA is battered, black, and blue

I've got a hole in my heart, hole in my heart
Now you see right through
The hole in my heart, hole in my heart
Shoot your arrow through
The hole in my heart, hole in my heart
I can you see you too

I got a bone to pick with jealousy
My tendency is never-ending, ah
I got a bone to pick with jealousy
My fantasy is never, never, ah

I've got a hole in my heart, hole in my heart
Now you see right through
The hole in my heart, hole in my heart
Shoot your arrow through
The hole in my heart, hole in my heart
I can you see you too

You see, I'm battered, black, and blue
Come on, come on and fix me
I'm battered, black, and blue
Come on, come on, fix me

Hole in my heart, hole in my heart
Now you see right through
The hole in my heart, hole in my heart
Shoot your arrow through
The hole in my heart, hole in my heart

Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
La-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
La-la-la-la, la-la-la-la

Shoot your arrow through my heart
Shoot your arrow right through
Shoot your arrow right through
There's a hole in my heart
Shoot your arrow through my heart
Shoot your arrow right through
Shoot your arrow right through
There's a hole in my heart
Shoot your arrow through my heart
Shoot your arrow right through
Shoot your arrow right through
There's a hole in my heart
Shoot your arrow through my heart
Shoot your arrow right through
Shoot your arrow right through
There's a hole in my heart

Now you see right through
Shoot your arrow through

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